The mobile phone, more
know(known) like cell phone, is an electronic device that
have(has) important use
Actuallly(Nowadays) the uses of cell phone
come(accessible) to the youth, (so) the schools have to
banned(banning) or
allowed(allowing) the use (of) mobile phones in the class. There are three reason that I
(´m) belive(believe)
allow(justify) the use of cell
phone(phones) in school
to(by) students:
by(in case of an) emergency,
can be(as) a school tool, and for
student funny(entertainment). In (an) academic year,
sucess many
situation(situations can happen)
that(where) the student needs calling
in cell phone like a
family problem
(,) exits of (at) school
(,)(with) a change of
horary(schedule), etc. The emergencies exist, then they
needs(need) cell phones. But student
only should (only) use (them) in (case of an) emergency. Nowadays, cell phones
a many
aplications(applications) like
connecting to internet (connection), dictionary, calculator, camera, etc.
aplications(applications) can be useful in a class, (so) now the cell can be a school tool
, but not a toy in lesson.
Teacher(Teachers) can seize the mobile phone
(,) if
student(students do) not
used(use it) correctly. The fact that the student
go(goes) to school to study
(,)(does) not
main(mean) that he can not have fun
student(Students) can have fun in school, that is the reason
exist the(there are) recess (times), and
there(these) are moments
that(where the phones) can be
the phone. In conclusion, the student can use the mobile phone in school
by(because of an) emergency,
is(as) a school tool, and for
funny(fun), but only with the
responsability(responsibility) that this (does) not affect the school performance.