viernes, 29 de abril de 2011


In the years between 13 and 18 teenagers can find many things that they would like, for example smoking, drinking, doing drugs, and  having sex. Teens are very curious of cigarettes, especially the teens with smoking parents(,)(;) they think that smoking gives (them) more "status" and respect for(from) the other people. Same thing happens with drinking(;) liquor like beer, wine, whiskey, tequila, and rum, which are some of the various alcoholic drinks that teens like, influenced by parents, friends, or simple curiosity. In the issue of drugs adolecents(adolescents) want a strong experience that smoking and drinking can´t give, then(so) they get drugs like; cannabis, cocaine, and heroin(,) which are substances that adolescents consume. And finally in this stage of age, teens experience external and internal changes, and present(like) alterations in hormones than(that) produce attraction to the other sex(.) in teenagers, (For this reason)then teens (start) looking the(at) sex like a normal situation. (Add a conclusion sentence listing the four activities.)

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