viernes, 8 de julio de 2011


(Date in a formal format)

(Mr. xxxxxxxxxxx)
(Principal Centro Escolar El Roble)
(Guatemala, Guatemala)

(Mr. Xxxxxxxxxx):

(Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.)(Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.) The Journalism(journalism) is an activity to recolect, search, (collect,) and publish the actual information of, generaly, place where practices the journalism. It is an activity that (we don’t have at) hadn´t the school. Then Mr. Principal(Xxxxxxx), I propuse(want to suggest) that (the) school have(implements) a journalism club, also known as journal club, because (so) students will be more informed, and it gives to student more public (with a) spirit (of service).

As the journalism(Journalism) dedicates to search and publish information, (and in) is a consequence that the student (journalist) will be informed. For the student(Students will also benefit because they will be) is well informed(,)(.) the(The) club colocates(would post) the news in a general billboard, ubicated(located) where everyone (could) finded(find it). Or journal club will put the information in a special wall in each class. I propuse(The club will meet)that after class schedule, the club be grouped in a special class and print the news, and go to (be) published the news. With this the information will come easy to student.

The news that publish the journal club will (publish will) speak about school achievement(achievements) like winnings(winning) (xto(?), xxxxx, and xxxxx school, etc. Facts that make(will rise) in student admiration, enthusiasm, even love to(for) the school, in others(other) words a public spirit in student. This can be done(,) if the students that enter in the journalism club are characterized by (emphasize in) appreciating the school and want that the others(other) students (to) had(have) the same sense.

For(To) end, Mr. Principal(Xxxxxxx), my reasons about why the journal club would(should) be maded(made are)(,) because students will be more informed, and it gives to(the) student(students) more public spirit to(for the) school. I wish that you thinking(think) about this grand club, Mr. Principal.

Esteban Vega
V Baccalaureate Section B

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